How Unique Document Identification Number
Process Works?

About Us
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN) was established under a special act, The Nepal Chartered Accountants Act, 1997 to enhance social recognition and faith of people at large in the accounting profession by raising public awareness towards the importance of accounting profession as well as towards economic and social responsibility of the accountants, and to contribute towards economic development of the country. The Institute is an autonomous body and is fully authorized by the Act to regulate accountancy profession in Nepal.
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Unique Document
Identification Number (UDIN) is 18 digits unique number generated by UDIN
Application for every Audit, Certification or Other Assignments by a Practicing
Chartered Accountant/Registered Auditor Member of ICAN. It should be reflected
in the related report of the Audit, Certification or Other Assignments for
which UDIN is generated. UDIN application assigns unique identification number
to every legitimate document issued by Practicing Chartered
Accountants/Registered Auditors Members of ICAN after providing the required
information of the Audit, Certification or other assignments.
It’s objective is to provide assurance of authenticity of document certified by practicing ICAN members to investors, lenders, regulators and other stakeholders by simply entering UDIN in UDIN application. UDIN application provides the specific details related to certification / audited financial statement entered by practicing Chartered Accountant/ Registered Auditor member of ICAN which can be cross verified with document presented to various parties. <br> The objective of UDIN Application is also to identify and take legal actions against nonmembers misrepresenting themselves as members of ICAN and providing services authorized to be delivered by ICAN members only as mandated by Nepal Chartered Accountants Act, 1997.
The objective of UDIN is also to take legal action against ICAN members who certify/audit multiple statements without observing due procedures and standards prescribed by ICAN.
Unique document identification numbers will be generated every audit/certifications for number of audits/ certifications performed by an ICAN member to the extent of limit allowed as per directive issued by the Institute. As such, members are automatically checked before providing audit/certifications service beyond the prescribed limit.
Institute does not levy any charge for the generation of UDIN.